Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Professional Hopes and Goals

When I think about working with children and families who come from diverse backgrounds I hope that I can establish professional relationships with them built upon communication, trust, and mutual respect. I hope that through these relationships I can provide or connect children and families with services and supports that help them to be successful in the educational setting, and that I show respect and value towards diversities.

A goal for the early childhood field related to issues of diversity, equity, and social justice is to see anti-bias education and the promotion of social justice through active teaching in more classrooms of all grades and ages. Before this course I had never heard of anti-bias education. I think it is even more difficult to find in places that do not experience a lot of cultural diversity, as there are many assumptions that diversity is limited to culture (instead of including many of the topics we covered in this course, such as ability, religion, class, etc.). If we are to see change in how people interact with each other, to diminish “isms”, we must start with our future, which is in the early childhood classroom, and continue the message of diversity, equity, and social justice throughout their educational career.

I’d like to thank my colleagues in their support and reflections. There have been some difficult concepts and realizations throughout this class, and I was successful in large part because you have made it a safe, supportive learning environment. It is heartening to know that you are all active professionals in the early childhood field!


  1. Caroline

    I also think that relationships are key to dealing with diversity and equity. As teachers our first impression is an lasting impression but those impressions are built from trusting relationships. One of my goals to help with anti bias education in my community will help our young children understand about microaggression early and how they affect others. Thanks for sharing during the discussions, I have learned so much from everyone. I wish you best in the future courses.

  2. Caroline,
    The two goals you mentioned are wonderful.I am a firm believer in anti-bias education. I also agree with what you said about diminishing “ISMS” begin in the early childhood classroom. If we fail to diminish it at this level, then my fear is that the cycle will never get broken.
