Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Time Well Spent

As the final course at Walden University draws to a close, I find it a bit surreal that we have reached the end of this chapter of our learning. This Capstone Course has synthesized many learnings from this entire program, and has shown me the realities of what we now have the tools to do as far as affecting positive social change on local, state, or even national levels.
  1. I have learned the crucial value of understanding children and families’ unique identities, and how these must be nurtured and supported in early childhood programs.
  2. I have learned that there is no reason we should expect to work alone. There are many individuals and groups that share my passion for working with young children, and to work with others is a way to expand my own knowledge and skill-set.
  3. Working in the field of early childhood means to remain ethical and hold strong to the values I have discovered I have. We have a power over the field to influence change, and thus influence the lives of children and families. This is a serious thing, that we should be mindful of how our every action and inaction reflect on our profession and the lives we touch.

One long-term goal I have is to instill the importance of building relationships between families and educational programs. I see myself continuing my role as an educator in an elementary school setting for several more years, so I wish to create partnerships between classroom teachers, community resources, and families, to mirror those that exist in the early learning programs. This is indeed a long-term goal, as to create this change requires slowly breaking down the barriers in communicating with one another between discipline areas (without breaking FERPA, of course), and getting the school district administration onboard.

The connections I have made with colleagues and Dr. Teri have been priceless. I wish everyone the best- continue to learn and achieve your hopes and goals! We have learned a lot together and from one another.

Below is my inspiration: My niece, Charlotte, is only 18 months old. She came to visit my classroom when her mother (my twin) had spring break (she is also a teacher). Charlotte had never seen any of my students before, or been in my classroom, yet the moment she entered she climbed into the chair of a desk and got “right to work” with my 5th grade students. My hope for her is that she always feels this confident in who she is- that she holds onto that self that is continuously developing. She is a girl, she is American, she is Spanish, she is well-loved, she is smart, she is capable, she both simply and complexly IS.

Friday, April 12, 2013

Jobs/Roles in the ECE Community: Internationally

There are many organizations out there that exist to better the lives of people around the world. Although some do not have the sole mission to focus on the early childhood field, their impact on economy, science, culture, or other disciplines ultimately affect the world in which children are raised.

The Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) is a community of practice that appealed to me because of my passion for working with low-income families. This organization focuses on how to make an impact on economic issues across the globe, promoting ideas that challenge past and current thinking (OECD, n.d.). It is clear from this organization’s web page that a passion for equality, and the highly effective communication, collaboration, and interpersonal skills are necessary for whatever position one might apply for. Though I think it would be interesting to work on a committee for this group, I know I do not have near the experience or financial knowledge to contribute much. What I like about their job postings, though, is they have included the applicant’s need to want to learn more, as they strive to include a large diversity of professionals.

The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) strives to create social change by addressing lifelong learning, knowledge and understanding of cultures, poverty, and peace (UNESCO, 2011). What caught my attention was UNESCO’s goal to help member states create policies that outline and guide teacher education to include quality instruction and continuous learning because quality teacher preparation and quality schools are what will provide children with quality education. At UNESCO there is a yearlong employment opportunity in the Division for Teacher Development and Higher Education. This job would require the a Master’s in education or a related field, experience working in programs of education, experience in financial and administrative roles, technology skills, and willingness to work in a multicultural workplace. This would be an interesting position to have, as it is related to education but in a more “behind-the-scenes” way. The position responsibilities of an associate project officer include assisting the project manager in organizing events and workshops, monitoring and reporting progress of programs, and some financial and budgeting tasks.

The International Step By Step Association (ISSA) is an organization that works to providing children with access to early education and care programs of high quality by connecting early childhood professionals and agencies (ISSA, n.d.). The ISSA fully believes that all children have a right to quality community programs that are inclusive, and works with decision-makers, professionals, community members, and families to share this belief. I am drawn to this organization because of their holistic view of the child. This organization values cultures, families, developmentally appropriate practices, and the need for professionals dedicated to life long learning. These are components that make up a valuable advocate for young children. One job posting available is project manager for the Romani Early Years Network (REYN). The manager would be responsible for helping the development of and supporting a program dedicated to cultivating a group of early childhood professionals in Roma communities. Education and skills necessary for the job include an understanding of Romani culture, knowledge of national early childhood education policy, and experience as a project manager or related job.

What I notice in all of these communities of practice is that to work with them requires knowledge of related fields, high interpersonal and communication skills, a desire to work in a multicultural setting, and a passion and agreement with the organizations’ missions and values. I think these are traits of successful communities of practice, with strong leadership.

International Step By Step Association. (n.d.). Retrieved November 28, 2011, from
Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD). (n.d.). Retrieved November 28, 2011, from
United Nations Education, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO). (2011). Retrieved from

Thursday, March 28, 2013

Jobs/Roles in the ECE Community: National/Federal Level

After checking out several national early childhood organizations, I identified three that appealed to me, all for different reasons.

The first organization is the Children’s Defense Fund ( This organization has provided me with a lot of information about children living in poverty, which is an area that has really called out to me since my enrollment at Walden University. This organization champions for equality of children’s health, education, and well being. From this organization’s mission statement, I was able to learn that central to their work is advocating for changes that will prevent further social injustices as well as work to better the current ones. Preventative measures are what will lead to long-term solutions.

If I were to apply for a job in this organization I would be most interested in the position of project manager, as this would give me an opportunity to connect programs with community resources, and set up and oversee new early childhood programs. Requirements for this job are knowledge of early childhood, and understanding of the location’s cultures, strong communication skills, and experience in an administrative role (the one skill I currently do not have). This job appeals to me because it is very different from my current position and offers many opportunities for growth in areas I have little or no experience in.

The next organization I looked into is Zero to Three: National Center for Infants, Toddlers, and Families ( This organization uses research to advocate for best practices in regards to healthy child development and growth of infants and toddlers. I have learned from my research at Walden and my experience in the education field that research-based practices and data-driven decisions are the way to reach administrators. Zero to Three’s approach to the early childhood field is essential for this reason.

Though there are no openings posted, I was interested in a job for this organization in the Early Steps to School Success program, which provides education to children aged birth to five, parents, and staff. To be able to do this job I would need a degree in early childhood education, as well as the skills of communicating with families, building educational and/or curriculum plans, and creating staff training seminars.

The third organization I am drawn to is the Council for Exceptional Children (, because working with students with special needs is my comfort area and my area of expertise. The CEC works to advocate for and provide equality in learning programs and family involvement for children of both challenging and gifted abilities. This organization offers professional development opportunities and resources that can benefit my practice.

Though the ECE does not have any current positions open, I would be interested in working as a conference and convention coordinator. Skills necessary for this job are most likely strong communication skills, knowledge of child development and education, and networking experience. A job like this would be exciting because of the opportunities to network with presenters. It would be interesting to take a “behind the scenes” position.

It was interesting to step outside of the local community and see what organizations are doing across the country in so many different specialty areas, all pertaining to the early childhood field. It makes one realize how vast the area of early childhood is and how one can never truly be done learning.

Saturday, March 16, 2013

Exploring Roles in the ECE Community: Local and State Levels

There are many different types of jobs in the early childhood field that are opportunities for people to meld their passions and careers together. In order to make informed decisions on where to work that puts my passion, experience, and newly acquired knowledge to use it is important to research both organizations and job opportunities.

Three organizations I explored are Behavioral Health Resources (BHR), Washington State Department of Social and Health Services (DSHS), and the Thurston Early Childhood Coalition (ECC). Each of these organizations interest me for different reasons.

BHR provides mental health services to adults, children, and families, with the aim of providing "treatment, education, and advocacy" (BHR, 2013). This organization serves the Northwestern region of Washington State. BHR offers individual and family therapy and counseling, parenting classes, and individual and group school-based counseling. This organization interested me primarily because its willingness to network within schools gives access to services that low-income families usually do not experience because they cannot afford the time away from work to take their children to a clinic.

I looked into DSHS because this state agency offers a lot of information about health and mental health services available to children who are on state assistance and state insurance. DSHS is truly there to help families receive services, though the process of obtaining it can be long and confusing. I explored this site because I currently work with many families who are most likely eligible for assistance and do not know how to access it. I must learn bout what is out there so I can help families to learn about it as well.

The third organization is the Thurston County Early Childhood Coalition. This coalition is a network of 15 agencies that have an interest in the healthy development of young children who work together to "create and promote a comprehensive system of high quality early care environments that are accessible, affordable, and effective" (Thurston County ECC, n.d.). I am interested in this organization because it is one I have not heard of but looks to be a valuable resource and one with a mission that combats the difficulties many families face in finding quality care that is affordable.

In researching jobs that are available in the ECE field I found two special education preschool teaching positions, a teaching position in a Head Start program and one as an administrative assistant to the Thurston County ECC. To competently work as a teacher in  the preschools I would need skills in writing IEPs, knowledge of children with varying physical and cognitive abilities, communication skill for working with families staff, and skills in creating and implementing individualized instruction. These skills are ones I already have as a special education teacher although I would also have the opportunity to use my new understanding of early childhood development. To be successful in the Head Start position the education from this Master's program is required. I would also need a deeper understanding of the community resources families are in need of and have access to through the Head Start program. For the administrative assistance position at the ECC I would need experience with grant writing and extensive knowledge of local, state and federal resources available to children and families.

For all of these positions I would need strong communication and collaboration skills and I would hope for colleagues within the organizations to serve as mentors and supporters. Every new job, no matter how qualified or experienced I might be, requires enough humility to learn from those already "in the trenches". Organizations and programs can be as individuals are: very diverse!

Behavioral Health Resources (BHR). (2013)  Behavioral Health Resources. Retrieved from

Thurston Early Childhood Coalition (ECC). (n.d.) Thurston Early Childhood Coalition. Retrieved from

Washington State Department of Social and Health Services (DSHS). (n.d.) Washington State Department of Social and Health Services. Retrieved from

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Reflecting on Learning

In this week’s media segment, Julie Olsen Edwards (Laureate Education, Inc., 2011), shares that in earning a Master’s Degree in Early Childhood Studies, with a focus on diversity, we have made a commitment to help children become “proud in who they are, connected to their families, connected to their communities, open to, eager to embrace people who are different.” Not only have we learned how to help children see themselves as whole individuals with unique contributions to society, but I think we have learned how to see ourselves as this as well. My hope for myself in becoming an anti-bias educator is to make an impact on how children, their families, and my colleagues view the differences of all individuals as strengths. My hope is that I continue to learn about different cultures, belief systems, family structures, economic classes, and other groups, so I can support children and their families no matter and because of their backgrounds and identities.

My other hope is to keep in touch with the colleagues I have gained throughout my experience as Walden, throughout the next course and after. Derman-Sparks & Edwards (2010) speak of the importance of having a support team as we journey through becoming and anti-bias educator, which is a life-long experience. Thank you for your support, ideas, encouragements, and the challenges you have brought to my thinking and perception of things. Thank you for sharing your experiences.

Derman-Sparks, L., & Edwards, J.O. (2010). Anti-bias education for young children and ourselves. Washington, D.C.: National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC).

Laureate Education, Inc. (Producer). (2011). Your commitment to anti-bias work [multimedia]. In EDUC 6358 Strategies for working with diverse children. Retrieved from

Saturday, February 23, 2013

Impacts on Early Emotional Development

I chose to look into the West and Central Africa region on the unicef webiste, as this is an area I am not very familiar with, but have been interested since my sister teaches at a school with many children whose families come from this region.
According to Unicef (n.d.) children in this region are subject to sexual exploitation, abuse, child labor, poverty, HIV/AIDS, and other diseases. Nearly 2 out of 10 children do not survive to their fifth birthday. Even school programs (of which 40% of children do not attend, in some areas) are not safe from violence and abuse. Civil wars separate families and children are recruited into armies. The rapid growth of towns and cities put pressure on social services that to the point that they cannot keep up with the need. Child protection services are grossly underfunded and mismanaged, as traditionally child protection has fallen under families’ purview.
These experiences have negative effects on chidlren’s emotional wellbeing and development to the extent that, according to Unicef (n.d.), are long lasting but as yet unkown in regards to particulars. It is already known that chronic stress negatively impacts child development. Toxic stress at an early age (such as that caused by extreme poverty, violence, or other traumatic events) changes the architecture of the brain, thus affecting children’s learning, behavior, and health (National Symposium of Early Childhood Science and Policy, 2008). Improvement of education in this region is slow, as schools are dangerous places, teachers are not compensated fairly, and there are so many obstacles to overcome.
As I read through the Unicef website, I see how fortunate we are that education is valued, and that we live in an industrialized country whose actions and resources reflect children’s rights. As an early childhood professional, I feel frustration that education is so slow and hampered to change by civil unrest and politics. There are some countries in this region that have undertaken the responsibility to help others in providing education and resources for children, but it is a drop in the bucket. Learning about this region firms my belief that children are a global responsibility, and their welfare should not be confined to what can only be done in their own country, as it is an injustice. Children are at the mercy of the their circumstances, and lack the control or resources to change their own situation. If we are to instill the philosophy of equality and social justice, we must strive to set an example that all people are responsible for all children.
National Symposium on Early Childhood Science and Policy. (2008). The InBrief series: The science of early childhood development. Retrieved from

Saturday, February 16, 2013

The Sexualization of Early Childhood

Before my studies this week I had given little thought about the sexualization of early childhood. Through my experiences with primary-grade children I have lamented with colleagues on how children in first and second grade talk about having “boyfriends” and “girlfriends” and how difficult spring is because that seems to be when the sixth graders start trying to hold hands on the playground. But I had given very little thought the sexualization of childhood starting not at the primary grade school, but earlier- from toddlers and preschoolers!

Upon reflection, I find it alarmingly easy to think of examples in my personal and professional experiences that illustrate the exposure of young children to a highly sexualized environment. Television shows such as “Toddlers in Tiaras” (on TLC) show young children dressed in miniature adult-style clothing with gobs of make-up on, gyrating to inappropriate music. When I go to the lake in the summer I see young girls with two-piece “bikini” swimsuits. At school, kindergarteners tease one another about having “girlfriends” and “boyfriends”. Girls wear knee-high, high-heel boots and if boys cry they are “wimps”. There are dress codes for kindergarten graduation day and various assemblies at my school to keep young children from wearing inappropriately-cut dresses.

Such a highly sexualized childhood has harsh negative impacts on children’s healthy development, no matter how small the exposure is. Children are like sponges, soaking in all they observe in their environment. Levin (Levin & Kilbourne, 2009) argues that the “violence and sexualization that saturate marketing and media… limit opportunities for children to develop as whole people and undermine the very foundation necessary for children to actualize their full potential and to value and respect themselves and others” (p. 6). When children are exposed to these messages, the foundation for understanding and being able to form healthy relationships when they are older is skewed. Girls see themselves as objects, and hinge their self-worth on how attractive they are, using the media to compare themselves to the idea of the “ideal” beauty. Boys learn that girls are objects, and view them through the same media lens. Ways to mitigate these negative effects include parent education, the fostering of healthy perspectives of gender, and role modeling of appropriate relationships. Sometimes families underestimate how much children learn through their environment, or they have looser restrictions for younger siblings as they allow older siblings to watch television or listen to music with more mature messages. An early childhood professional could work with families to create home environments that do not expose or that limit children’s exposure to inappropriate media/experiences. The early childhood programs can offer activities that allow children to explore gender in appropriate, supportive ways, as well as model what healthy, respectful interactions look like (i.e. combating gender stereotypes such as girls relying on attractiveness to make friends/gain attention).

Studying the topic this week has definitely modified my awareness of the sexualization of early childhood. I had never thought to consider how young children were so heavily influenced by this, and have always thought I have seen the negative results only in older children. Upon reflection, I realize that what I witness in older children is the consequences of such exposure at a younger age. Currently, most efforts to curb sexualization is focused on adolescent girls, despite the foundation being started in the early childhood years, and that boys are equally affected (Levin & Kilbourne, 2009). To make a noticeable impact on young children’s development, we must start earlier than adolescence, and focus on both genders to truly make a difference.

Levin, D. E., & Kilbourne, J. (2009). [Introduction]. So sexy so soon: The new sexualized childhood and what parents can do to protect their kids (pp. 1-8). New York: Ballantine Books. Retrieved from:

Friday, February 8, 2013

Evaluating Impacts on Professional Practice

One of the reasons I can explore professional and personal growth about diversity, equity, and “isms” is knowing that I am in the company of those who are doing the same exploring that I am doing. Throughout this program, I have learned about “isms” that I was not aware existed, and am now able to see how “isms” of my own and others affect my work with children and families.

“Isms” are discriminations throughout society found in policies, regulations, and people’s perceptions of others’ social identities (both real and assumed) (Derman-Sparks & Edwards, 2010). When a person experiences an “ism” it can cause internalized oppression. Internalized oppression is when the victims of “isms” believe the negative messages about their identities to be true. The results are often the oppressed doing what they can to “fit in” with the dominant culture, such as rejecting parts of their own social identities and taking on the dominant culture’s perceptions (Derman-Sparks & Edwards, 2010). This is detrimental to the individual’s self-esteem and self-image, and harmful to the group because it perpetuates the discrimination and oppression.

Through previous reflection, I have recognized that I, at one point or another, have experienced sexism. This experience has, at times, caused me to question my ability as a woman to be a leader, because it is a stereotype that women in roles of power are either cold, with a tendency to micromanage, or that we are too emotional to make unbiased decisions. This could affect my work with children and young families because it may cause me to hesitate or second-guess decisions about children’s programming and my initiative in undertaking difficult conversations with parents (such as conversations essential to their child’s well-being, health, or safety). This “isms” has also influenced my interactions with young children in ways that may support the stereotype of women taking domestic roles. Though this is an important part of my identity, it is not in the best interest of children and anti-bias work to perpetuate this stereotype as the way things “should” be- it is merely one identity of one person.

Self-reflection is a key component to being an anti-bias educator because it requires me to constantly monitor my personal and professional well-being. I need to be aware of how “isms” affect me, because this trickles down into my professional life, affecting children also.

Derman-Sparks, L., & Olsen Edwards, J. (2010). Anti-bias education for young children and ourselves. Washington, DC: NAEYC.

Friday, January 25, 2013

Adult-Child Communication

Throughout one’s day it is easy to find adult-child interactions in many places we go. This week I paid careful attention to these interactions when I was at the grocery store.

When I was in the produce section I noticed a woman with two young children. She was looking at various fruits and vegetables, with her children asking questions about what they were going to buy. She answered them that she was going to get some carrots, but they were free to each choose something if they did not want carrots, encouraging them to look at all the different colors and shapes of the produce around them.

I noticed that the mother encouraged healthy eating not by pushing vegetables and fruit onto her children, but letting them explore their options and giving them choices. She allowed time for questions and gave feedback about their choices (i.e. “celery is very crunchy! We can make some neat snacks with that- like ants on a log”). These interactions showed her children that she valued their thoughts and ideas about what food the family should eat and their contributions to the task of grocery shopping and being part of the family.

This mother made grocery shopping something meaningful to her children. They had input that was valued, and were allowed to make choices of their own, showing independence. Children learn more when they are interested in the topic at hand, and are able to help guide learning. The mother used the effective communication strategies of providing feedback and asking questions. I could not notice anything that needed improvement- I was pretty impressed the woman could take the time to make grocery shopping so fun!

What I observed this week mirrors much of what I do in the classroom. I do the best I can to find something that is learned in every interaction and activity throughout the day, no matter how small. Even snack time presents opportunities for free communication and a chance to learn more about each other. I give them feedback, ask questions about their interests, and validate their ideas. While I think I interact positively with my students, I think I could improve on my listening skills, particularly during the more academic periods of the day. I sometimes feel rushed to get through paced curriculum, but my students will gain more if I were to go at the pace of their curiosity rather than the pace of the teacher manual. I need to step back sometimes and really listen to what they are saying, as sometimes the answers they give to questions may not be exactly what I am looking for, but they still reflect knowledge and learning that has taken place.

Saturday, January 19, 2013

Creating Affirming Environments

If I were to create my own Family Child Care Home, there are certain things I would include in the care center that would create learning environments that reflect the diversity of the children and families with whom I work.

First, I was drawn to Adriana Castillo’s idea of having places for families to communicate with staff and with their children, such as communication binders, and places to sit and read books or talk when partings are difficult. This makes families and children feel that their relationships are honored, and that the program values family connections. I would also implement some sort of sharing board where families could bring in aspects of their culture or other identities to share with other children and families, to build a sense of pride about who they are and teach others about diversity.

Play areas in this setting would include a wide variety of costumes that allow children to experience different styles of clothing and different occupation. Dolls would reflect different skin colors and physical abilities. Not only would all children of the center be depicted in the dolls, but also abilities and cultures that are outside of the child care community. The library would be stocked with childhood and family favorites, as well as literature that reflected a wide variety of family structures, socioeconomic class, cultural and ethnic differences, and “experience books”, which are photo or scrap books of the children and any special events they have done with their families or at the center. Experience books are a way for children to relive special events or daily routines, and often have captions directly quoted from the children involved. These books, toys, and clothing would reflect children’s true lives, and steer clear from anything with tokenism or tourist curriculum, as these elements create the idea that diversity is something exotic and abnormal.

Aside from physical elements of the child care center, the learning environment would also include a strengths-based philosophy of teaching that utilizes what children come into the program already knowing and what they are passionate about. Diversity and social justice would be actively taught, with conflict management centering on discussions, role-playing, and learning how to reflect on one’s own thinking. Family traditions, holiday traditions, and celebrations would be inclusive to all different cultures and religions, but would not be the only means of learning about different cultures (to avoid tourist curriculum). Families would be active participants in their child’s daily care, to the best that they have the time and/or resources to be. Through journals, conversations, sharing with the group, and family nights/weekends, they would be encouraged to share elements of their own cultures with staff and other families.

When the environment reflects the diversity of the children and families it creates a sense of pride in the child of whom he or she is, and reinforces anti-bias messages. By including aspects of diversity found outside of children’s families they learn to respect and value differences among them and among communities. What I have chosen to include in my Family Child Care Home make the invisible visible, counteracting the larger society’s message that some differences are taboo; and also fights stereotypes. It also invites children and families to feel a sense of belonging to the care center, building a true partnership between them and the program.